
I'll probably have to do Venice in parts cause hot damn it was unlike anything before it. But first, getting there. There was a little mishap and the group got off one stop too early, meaning we had to take a trolly train the rest of the way. But as it turns out, we all got passes for the water buses! Which was really cool cause We could go anywhere in Venice anytime. It also made it hard to get lost.

It was a blur after that. Good food, good wine, good art! I think the islands were my favorite, they had some awesome loot. Got a glass balloon and little baby glass sheep!

And then there was the Beinale. It was HUGE! I mean it took me 2 whole days to get through it and I had to whiz my way.

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    Emily Brogan

    Holy crud I'm excited for this! I'm a Graphic Arts Minor at Lander University (though you probably already knew that).


    July 2013
    June 2013

